Thursday, December 13, 2007

Today, A Blogger Saved My Life

Thanks go to David Wong, the Assistant Editor of, for writing the article that very well may save us all. Trust me.

It's called "7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable".

Here they are, in no particular order (or maybe just the order Wong discusses them):

#1. We don't have enough annoying strangers in our lives.
#2. We don't have enough annoying friends, either.
#3. Texting is a shitty way to communicate.
#4. Online company only makes us lonelier.
#5. We don't get criticized enough.
#6. We're victims of the Outrage Machine.
#7. We feel worthless, because we actually are worth less.

Now, do I normally go and find life-changing articles on Except for that one about 6 Singers Who Are Mistaken About Their Raw Sexuality (anything that makes fun of Kid Rock is tops in my book), no, I go to Cracked for a laugh. But, despite it's devil-may-care tone and frequently vulgar humor, this article raises a surprising number of good points. Actually, I have a hard time disagreeing with [i]anything[/i] Wong says in this piece.

So go read it. All of it. And be a better human being with me.

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